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Vision. Mission.
To enhance the lives of collegiate athletes and coaches by fostering a deeper faith, stronger character and authentic community.
T.H.I.S. is how we define ourselves
Truth • Humility • Integrity • Safety

Wayne & Stacey Dickens
Athletes United Founders
Wayne began ministry through the ministry of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, serving as a staff-person for seventeen years. His wife Stacey has worked alongside him on FCA staff for 11 years. Unbeknownst to them at the time, their relationships with Jesus Christ began in 2004 at the same FCA College Camp in Shocco Springs, AL. After graduating from Auburn, signing a free-agent contract with the Tennessee Titans, and being released shortly after camp, Wayne returned to Auburn and joined the FCA campus ministry team. While there, he and Stacey launched East Alabama FCA, a local ministry that continues to minister to 6 counties in 48 high schools and middle schools in Alabama.
After developing a strong ministry in Alabama for 10 years, God called them to the campus of Western Kentucky University. As Campus Directors, they had the honor to serve all 16 WKU teams, with more than 60 FCA leaders trained and 51 baptisms in five years.
God then called them to the campus of Southern Methodist University to launch Athletes United, Inc. Their simple pursuit is this: to serve coaches and athletes in the same way that they were served and cared for while students at Auburn University. They have three children—a daughter, Naomi (13) and two sons, Cannon (11) and Duke (7).